Sunday, August 1, 2010

Train in Vain

My friends know that when i take public transportation the odds are good that I'm going to meet some goods that are odd.  To lay money on it would be to take a sucker bet.  I have had weirdos blow in my ear, share with me the joy of frottage in a crowded car, kiss me (in Paris...Vive L'Amour!) and on more than one occasion I've smelled rather than witnessed the emptying of bodily fluids.  I feel like i am living in medieval Europe.  When i enter the train will there be a scrub woman or house-wife screaming GardeyLoo as the slop comes falling?   I have had a very obviously insane woman try to push me down the aisle, a tourettes sufferer scream at me because she was too fat to sit next to me and a manic lunatic tell me that i make him sick because my feet - which couldn't reach the floor- were swinging as the bus moved.  I am weary.  Nowadays i try to walk more and now i see even walking isn't safe.  I noticed today that on 3 separate occasions people walked from one side of the walk over to where i was walking and came straight at me.  Oh, do we have to play chicken now?  I stood my ground but seriously?  What goes on in with people.  As i drew close to home i was crossing a street, on my light and a fool comes speeding around a corner honking his horn at me.  Because i didn't move fast enough i got called a fat-ass.  For her trouble she got told to fuck off. 
I wonder when we became uncivilized baboons bent on our own selfish needs with no regard to others.  It honestly feels like no one cares about anyone any longer. 

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